Friday, 22 May 2009


Imagine going to a “Fight Like Apes” gig not knowing who they are? The name suggests a sort of “all-male, possibly scary and a little bit indie” type band. And maybe starring the drumming gorilla from the Dairy Milk advert. But actually, I was pleasantly surprised to experience a truly original, gritty, Irish rock band with mind-blowing female vocals. Almost Ireland’s answer to the The Von Bondies. The small venue made for an intimate gig, which really suited the band’s friendly stage presence. From the off, the entire crowd was won over by their Irish charm and charisma (almost) bigger than the lead singer’s hair. The band members were not afraid to have a bit of fun either, as they pointed out a lad they thought had “stylish moves” and got him on stage. Though this chit chat didn’t distract the band from producing tight drumming, cheeky synths and edgy basslines. Not to mention, exceptional timing. I also really admired the lead vocalist, Maykay, who had a stunning singing voice when she wanted, yet could also “shout in tune” too. For want of a better description, she is almost like the rebel Corrs sister who got away. With the atmosphere buzzing like a hive and not even a queue at the bar, it is no surprise that this band swiped a Best Live Performance award in 2007. One man even got so excited he stage dived and lost the lenses from his glasses. In all, this gig was pretty much like a crate of Red Bull after a highly intensive caffeine free diet. The band was vigorously energetic yet relentlessly engaging and I would not hesitate to see them live again. Even if I was a little confused by the lyric “you're like Kentucky Fried Chicken, but without the taste...”

Friday, 15 May 2009