Friday, 17 April 2009


Think pink. Or perhaps coral. Apparantly the first recorded use of the word "coral" in English was in 1513. And I'm pretty sure Henry VIII never rocked the coral look. Though it seems here in Spring/Summer 2009 you can't get away from it.
I have never been a girly girl at the best of times but recently have these compelling urges to buy floral summer dresses and feminine colours. Though I don't know if this is a combination of having to feed my appetite for shopping and being bored of buying classic colours. And you can only have so many black and navy cardigans, apparently. So in order to control my retail desires I have turned to the colour pink. Well not exactly fluffy, baby pink. But still the unknown.
Now, I know that I'm pretty behind and this whole coral thing has been in fashion for months. To be honest I've known it's been about for a while now. I think I was just putting my blinkers on and holding back. But today I fell into H&M and I decided it was time to sort myself out. Plus with the sun starting to peep through, I'm just really in the mood to wear massive sunglasses and an outfit that looks like confectionary.
I came out with a long, baggy, nineties mum t-shirt type thing. Which I thought might look quite good with skinnies and maybe something grey.I'm afraid I'm still taking baby steps at the moment and quite not ready for the whole colour blocking thing. Especially with something daring like lime green. Well, perhaps I will go for a coral and grey colour blocking look. Just dip my toes in the water.
It seems nude shades are coming in too. Though I'm not quite ready for that either. Although I quite like the idea that from a distance you might look naked. Maybe you could actually go out naked and save a lot of money. Well I suppose the weather is heating up.
Oh la la.

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog Emily, you have a really descriptive and engaging style of writing, even though I'm not so interested in colour blocking, or H&M, it's still pretty funny.

